Magnolia Float Spa

3849 Gulf Shores Parkway, Suite 11, Gulf Shores
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    Magnolia Float Spa’s goal is to provide a place of total privacy to allow you to soak in all the amazing benefits floating can provide. As you relax in the spa’s highly salinated water, you’ll reduce inflammation in the body, begin improving your ability to sleep, reduce stress and give your mind time to heal and recover from the day-to-day grind. Dedicated to a healthier, more relaxed community, the others of Magnolia Float Spa also have a heart for the autism community, and every float is free for children with autism.

    The spa provides towels, contact cases, earplugs, sandals, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a prep room with blow dryers, and each float room is completely private with a shower and changing area. Relax in a closed tank, open the lid and keep the lights on low while music softly plays, or drift in one of the facility’s two spacious open pools. The high salt content of the water makes floating effortless and easy. Your skin will be softer, your mind will be reset and your muscles will be relaxed as you leave sporting that “post-float glow.”


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